In the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis issued a message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (January 17, 2016). This document, along with other resources available is offered as background for study, reflection, discussion and action regarding this issue. We invite your feedback and suggestions as well.

Links of Interest:
- ENG-Pope Francis-Message Migrants 2016.
- DE-P Francesco-Message Migrants 2016
- Human-Trafficking-Reflection-and-Prayer-
- Marianist Social Justice Initiative-Racial and Immigrant Justice
- ENG-Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
- DE- Päpstlicher Rat der Seelsorge für die Migranten und Menschen unterwegs
- Quotes from Church Social Teachings on the rights of migrants and refugees
- Catholic church teaching on vulnerable migrant populations
- Welcoming the stranger among us: unity in diversity – USCCB
- Refugee Map
Enlaces de interés:
- PORT-P Francesco-Message Migrants 2016
- POL-P Francesco-Message Migrants 2016.
- ESP-P Francesco-Message Migrants – 2016
- ESP-Ninos migrantes y refugiados – USCCB
- ESP-Ensenanza Social de la Iglesia- Migracion-USCCB.pdf (380k)
- ESP- Pontificio Consejo para la Pastoral de los Emigrantes e Itinerantes
- PORT- Conselho Pontifício para a Pastoral dos Migrantes e Itinerantes
- Preguntas y respuestas sobre la postura de la Iglesia Católica respecto de la inmigración
- La Iglesia defensora de los inmigrantes y refugiados
- Mapa de refugiados
Liens d’intérêt:
- IT-P Francesco-Message Migrants 2016
- FR-P Francesco-Message Migrants 2016.
- FR- Conseil Pontifical pour la Pastorale des Migrants et des Personnes en Déplacement
- IT-Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e Itineranti
- Immigration : quels fondements pour une parole des chretiens ?
- La risposta del Vangelo della Misericordia – IT
- Carte des personnes en déplacement