“The struggle for diminishing water supplies is likely
to cause major conflicts in the future. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for the conservation and fair and effective management of all water resources.
to cause major conflicts in the future. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for the conservation and fair and effective management of all water resources.
What do the SDG call for? The SDGs demand that all people have access to clean drinking water and adequate sanitation. Means suggested to achieve this aim are:
- Reducing chemical pollution; improving wastewater treatment and recycling and reusing water
- Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifiers and lakes
- Sustainably managing, protecting and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems
- Minimizing and addressing the impacts of ocean acidification; regulating harvesting and ending over fishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices.” (c.f. Vidimus Dominum)
We invite your feedback through the website. Click on links for other Internet resources.
Links of Interest:
- Water: A presentation on Water and Laudato Si’
- Seven Weeks for Water 2016 – Ecumenical Water Network
- Laudato Si’ and Water: The Vatican’s Encyclical Letter and Global Water Challenges
- World Water Day 2016: Water and Jobs
- Official United Nations Water Website
- UNESCO – On World Water Day…
- The Water Project
- Water.org
- Water for People (waterformpeople.org)
Enlaces de interés:
- Bibliografía derecho humano – agua
- Siete Semanas para el Agua 2016 – Red Ecuménica del Agua
- UNESCO – Día Mundial del Agua 2016
- La encíclica “Laudato si” y el Agua
- El agua, el papa y la encíclica Laudato Si’
- “El acceso al agua potable es un derecho humano esencial”, apuntó Francisco en su primera encíclica
Liens d’intérêt:
- Droit d’accès à l’eau
- Établir des modes de consommation et de production durables
- Sept semaines pour l’eau 2016 – Le Réseau œcuménique de l’eau
- UNESCO – Journée Mondiale de l’eau 2016
- De l’eau pour les plus pauvres
- Fiche de résultats : Accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement
- Ce sont les plus pauvres qui ont le moins accès à l’eau potable