Blessed AdelE de Batz de Trenquelleón
Adele was born on June 10, 1789, and this was a source of great joy for all the family and for the people of the region who appreciated the Trenquelléon family. She wasbaptized this very day in the church of Feugarolles. Throughout her life, Adele will celebrate the anniversary of her baptism. Adele discovered that from the day she wasbaptized, that something had been recorded inside her. All the baptized people engrave the face of God in their hearts. She discovered the treasure we all carry inside.
In 1797, she left for exile in Spain, with her mother and her brother Charles. In 1801, she made her First Communion in San Sebastian and the desire to be a Carmelite was born in her. In 1803, two years after her return in France, she did the Confirmation. From that moment, her desire to make Christ known and loved grew stronger. In 1799 Adele sister’s Désirée was born.

In 1804, she founded the “Little Association” whose spirit is very close to the Congregation founded by Father Chaminade in Bordeaux. Congregation to which the “Small Association” will be affiliated in 1808. A “dear project” will soon appear in the heart of Adele, which will become a reality when on May 25, 1816, in Agen, the Institute of the Daughters of Mary (Marianist Sisters). The purpose of the institute was the mission, beginning with the accompaniment of the members of the Congregation; then it will be divided into free classes, retreats, catechesis, various activities…
In short time new communities started: Tonneins (1820), Condom and Bordeaux (1824) and Arbois (1826). Adele died on the 10 January in 1828.
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