Statutes & Objectives
of the
World Council
A. Preamble
Marianist life, as a living element, has its evolution in time. We understand that the Marianist Family was already in the intuition of our Founders. Its development throughout history helps us to see the growing awareness of the need for collaboration and complementarity between the branches: Marianist Lay Communities (MLC), Alliance Mariale (AM), Daughters of Mary Immaculate (FMI) and Society of Mary (SM). The constitution of the World Council of the Marianist Family is the fruit of the evolution of the relationship among them.
The Marianist Family is sent by the Church to evangelize by the hand of Mary.
- The Marianist Family seen from its foundational roots
- 1.1 The foundation of the Sodality and of both Institutes did not occur in isolation but in mutual relationship.
- 1.2 The unifying element was the Marianist charism transmitted by the Founders.
- 1.3 Each of the branches understands and discovers itself in the others as an integral and complementary part of its own being and functioning.
- 1.4 It is conceived, therefore, as a spiritual Family with a structure that unites lay persons, consecrated lay women, and male and female religious on an equal footing.
- 1.5 The family structure and organization allows them to express and make known today the foundational charism.
- 1.6 The missionary vocation to which they are called is fully realized when they unite their efforts, for in this way they discover that they are members of a family that goes beyond each one of them and that invites them to work together.
- Fundamental principles and constitution of the World Council.
From the foundational roots, from how each of the branches of the Family are understood today, and from some already existing family expressions and relationships, it can be deduced that:
- 2.1 The charism of our Founders becomes real and effective to the extent that the Marianist Family exists.
- 2.2 The guarantee of the Marianist identity of each branch is in its union with the others.
- 2.3 The realization of the Marianist Family makes each branch grow in identity and fruitfulness.
Encouraged by these principles, we want to offer a model of Marianist Family that is capable of giving a convincing response to today’s world.
In June 1996, the WORLD COUNCIL OF THE MARIANIST FAMILY (WCMF) was established as the international representative body of the Marianist Family with a view to promoting its unity, its development and the fulfillment of its mission.
- Description:
The WCMF is an organ of communication, coordination and consultation of the branches of the Marianist Family worldwide. It is a sign of unity of the different vocations that live the Marianist charism received from the Founders, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and Blessed Marie de la Conception (Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon).
- Functions:
- Building family, reinforcing the union between the branches.
- Sharing about the life and reality of each of the branches.
- Propose common orientations for the whole Family.
- To plan meetings for celebration, formation and coexistence and common actions of an ecclesial or social nature.
- To present and interpret the Marianist charism from the perspective of the Family.
- Collaborate with national family councils.
- Promote an expanded vision of the Marianist Family, recognizing that there are people who do not belong to any of the branches but have a special sensitivity for the Marianist charism or work to spread it.
- Members:
The World Council is composed of the members of the leadership bodies of the four branches at the international level: International Team (MLC) and General Councils (AM, FMI, SM).
- Organization and meetings:
– The Chairmanship of the Council is assumed on a rotating basis by the head of each of the branches for a period of two years. The Chairperson proposes the agenda after consulting the other branches.
– The Council meets at least once every two years, with a minimum duration of two days. When necessary, the Council can meet on line.
– In order to ensure its proper functioning and the implementation of its decisions, the WCMF has a Secretariat. The secretary is appointed unanimously, after approval by the person in charge of his/her branch. His/her term of office is four years, renewable once. This mandate may be terminated at the request of the person concerned, the person in charge of his/her branch or the WCMF itself. This decision must be taken unanimously, with a notice period of at least six months.
- His/her ordinary duties are as follows:
- ensure communication among the members of the WCFM and between the WCMF and the National Family Councils.
- to communicate the notice of meetings and the corresponding agenda, prepared in agreement with the chairperson.
- plan the organizational and practical aspects of the meetings in dialogue with the host house (host system, interpreters, travel, documentation, etc.).
- to draft the minutes of the meetings and send them to the members of the Council.
- to disseminate the communiqués and proposals of the Council for the Marianist Family.
- to maintain the historical archives of the minutes and other documents of the Council.
- Competencies:
- Promote a family spirit that allows reciprocal questioning.
- To combine respect for the autonomy of each branch with the spirit of interdependence.
- Submit for the consideration of each branch the suggestions indicated.
- The deliberations of the World Council are resolved along two tracks:
- 1.) Formal decisions are adopted unanimously and are binding on all branches. Each branch has a voice. The following matters require a formal decision:
- a) A modification of the bylaws.
- b) Multi-year objectives.
- c) Any other decision that at least two branches request to be the subject of a formal vote.
- 2.) Any other decision shall be considered ordinary; it shall be approved with the approval of two thirds of the members present.
- Economic relations:
- Travel expenses will be prorated among all participants.
- Each branch shall pay its own living expenses when incurred.
- Organizational expenses shall be shared among the branches, which shall contribute according to the following percentage: 44% by the SM, 35% by the MLC, 20% by the FMI and 1% by the Alliance Mariale.
- The approval of a joint project, under the World Council, requires the approval of the budget of the anticipated expenses, together with the contribution of each branch to the same.
- The project managers shall present an annual report on the project, including the corresponding financial report, for evaluation at the Council meeting.
Statutes revised in Rome on November 5, 2023
“Let it be done to me, according to your word.”
Mary accepted the call of the Lord, responding to the world’s deepest needs, and placing her full self at the Lord’s disposal. Our times call us to a similar response, as a Marianist Family. The many challenges of our world, be they social, environmental, faith-related, or even considering the new realities brought about by the pandemic, present many opportunities, even new ones, in which we may respond.
The World Council has reflected upon these times, and our response to them. Mindful of a renewed call toward synodality we have formulated a series of OBJECTIVES that will guide our work as a family for the next four years.
A. Working toward a Marianist Family that gives life in abundance
The challenges of today, and our understanding of our role as a Family, require a progressive adaptation of our structures and methods to respond adequately to our charismatic mission. To this end, the World Council will:
- Reflect on how it operates, with an openness to adjust and adapt as necessary. This could include studying and adopting new structures for itself, in order to infuse new life into the Family.
- Seek opportunities to dialogue with the national Family Councils for mutual support and better service to the Family.
Some of the areas of dialogue are:
- The role of the Family Council
- Its structures and organization
- Its capacity to reach its entire geographical region and to fulfil its mission
- Its collaboration with others who are inspired by our charism without belonging to our Charismatic Family.
B. Oriented by the same spirit of mission
We consider two priority work areas with their respective lines of action:
a. to encourage national and local councils to promote pastoral ministry among young people, as well as vocation ministry,
- offering spaces for silence and prayer
- developing a ministry even beyond the secondary school stage.
b. to support the development of pastoral care with young adults by creating work teams in collaboration with other members at the national and/or local level. In this context, promote all Marianist vocations.
c. to invite to open spaces for dialogue, at the national and local level; to share experiences and resources on ministry with young people, especially with young adults.
a. to invite and encourage all members and components of the Family to live according to the spirit of Laudato sí and to register on its platform. [1]b. to reflect on the connection between our charism and Laudato sí;
c. to care for relationships between people at all levels, with special attention to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged; following the spirit of Laudato sí and Fratelli tutti and letting ourselves be inspired by Mary’s attitudes.
C. Strengthen the opportunities for collaboration to develop a common formation
To achieve this goal, we propose:
- to promote formation processes that engage the whole person in a process of transformation, without being limited to a theoretical aspect;
- to collaborate in the formation of the formators necessary for each of the branches;
- to commit ourselves to the development of existing formation structures (Continental Marianist Studies Centers, formation houses, etc.), whenever this is appropriate;
- promote the study of important charismatic themes to strengthen our identity and mission.
News and Information - World Council
About the Marianist Family
The Marianist Family today is spread around the world. It is comprised of separate, yet interconnected, branches: Lay Marianist Communities (MLC-CLM), the Alliance Mariale (AM), the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (FMI) and the Society of Mary (SM).
We share these documents with you for your information and as a resource for developing a better understanding of the identity and mission of the Marianist Family.
Statutes & Objectives 2022-2025
Statutes of the World Council.
Objectives proposed by the World Council of the Marianist Family for