This is a section where we offer documents and other resources to assist those who wish to study and deepen their knowledge of the Marianist Mission and Charism. It is designed to be a “living” section, with material added in various formats as it becomes available. Also, we provide links to the Zonal Centers for Marianist Studies (when available) as well as other sites were a wealth of information is available.
The Society of Mary
- RULE OF LIFE of the Society of Mary
EN-ES-FR-IT Compared
- CAUSES of Marianist Saints
- MAP of Marianists in the world
- Marianist Education
LINKS to Zonal Centers for Marianist Studies
- NACMS (North America)
- CELAFOM (Latin America)
- CEM (Europe)
- Agora Marianista (ESP)
- Documentation Marianiste (FR)
- Asian Center
- CAM (Africa)
Marianist History, Charism and Spirituality
- History of the Society of Mary
- Characteristics of Marianist Education
- Principal Characteristics of Marianist Administration
ENG – ESP – FR - In the Footsteps of W. J. Chaminade (E. Weltz)
ENG – KOR 한국어 - Three O’Clock Prayer in many languages(Caligraphy)
- Letters between Bl. Chaminade and Bl. Adele
Marian Studies (Univ. of Dayton)
- IMRI – International Marian Research Institute
- Marian Library
- All About Mary